
Bonnie Banane's latest single, "Franchement," is a poignant reflection on life's journey, released on the significant day the global population reached 8 billion. This introspective piece sets the stage for her highly anticipated 2024 music. Born in Brittany in 1987, Banane has made waves since her 2012 debut, "Muscles," collaborating with luminaries like Chilly Gonzalez and Varnish La Piscine. Her artistic brilliance blends surreal poetry a la Brigitte Fontaine with the soulful vibes of D'Angelo, defying categorization.

Beyond recordings, Banane's live performances showcase her multifaceted artistry, seamlessly oscillating between exuberance and poise. As she continues to carve her path in the French music scene, don't miss the chance to experience her enchanting world live. Catch Bonnie Banane at the sold-out Trianon in Paris on May 15, 2024, followed by an unforgettable performance at the iconic Olympia Hall on December 1, 2024. From "Muscles" to "Franchement," Bonnie Banane leaves an indelible mark on the rich tapestry of French music.