The Pit London

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With empyrean vocals and heartrending writing, B-ahwe casts a delightfully dark spell on ‘Bewitched’. 

An artist who brings an wealth of awareness and tenderness to her music, B-ahwe has compelled listeners with both her solo material and her work alongside underground stalwarts Nix Northwest and Lausse the Cat (whose prolonged artistic silence has plagued me with many sleepless night). The new effort will be greeted enthusiastically by UK alternative fans; as will the news that ‘Bewitched’ is the lead single from an upcoming EP, ‘Motions’, which is scheduled for release in September. 

Produced by the innovative TAMBALA, the subtle and nuanced beat is filled with rich and murky texture, with spacey keys, soaring harmonies, grooving bass and hazy guitar offering an immersive and ambiguous soundscape. B-ahwe’s eerily beautiful vocal sits back in the mix, surveying the celestial instrumental with solemn elegance.

The raw and resolute lyricism highlights B-ahwe’s acute prowess, as she vividly describes the pain and delicacy of love; the rose tinted spectacles that one tends to develop when infatuated with another. In our narrators case, this deviance takes the form of manipulation and emotional abuse, with B-ahwe’s honest depictions powerful and potent.   

An effortless performer and profound lyricist, we should expect B-ahwe’s forthcoming EP to be special. Maybe it’ll even feature Lausse the Cat… Where are you, Lausse?

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