Top Down
Photo Credit: Sarah Etasse
Imagine, the sun is out, you’ve got the windows down in the car and you’re in one of those moods where you want people to hear the brilliance coming out of your stereo. Yes, that’s what you get with KinKai and Children of Zeus’ new track ‘Top Down’. Well, I’ve given you the budget version of what is intended with the name ‘Top Down’, but it’s the next best thing to a convertible, right? This track is rich with musical brilliance, showcasing the depth of knowledge and stylistic influences that these Manchester stars possess between them.
Throughout this classic in the making, we hear vocal variations from phrase to phrase which consequently makes this track extremely interesting to listen to. For fans of early 2000’s R&B and listeners of contemporary rap – this is a perfect concoction of these sounds, mixing together the nostalgic elements of old with the progressive sound of the UK, more importantly Manchester.