
There’s always something special about finding a song that really aligns with your tastes and with Manna’s inaugural song ‘Sundress’, I was able to gain that gratification. Through the elegance of her visuals that accompany this song, I couldn’t help but notice that the description of the video appears to be written by her and it hits the nail right on the head in terms of the connotations - “Sundress is about loving, physical touch & intimacy. It’s about demanding attention by subtly using your feminine charm and being empowered by doing so. Sundress is basically a sexy love song!”.

The soul aura this track brings is refreshing. It’s smooth, real smooth, ethereal in fact, but the track moves, it doesn’t stay in one tone. There’s a real control in the way ‘Sundress’ is delivered, the atmosphere created is consuming and involves you effortlessly, it doesn’t require too much from the listener. That’s a skill. I highly recommend this song, but not just that – I highly recommend listening to her from now on because If this is the beginning in music for her, then who knows what’s to come.