The Pit London

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Xen Wonder’s debut EP, Refuge, is a bold and experimental collection that teases the brilliance to come in their upcoming album, Going Xen. Featuring three tracks—Placeholder, The General, and Blue Face—the EP dives into the intriguing world of being an outsider, blending genres and moods to create an electrifying listening experience.

The opening track, Placeholder, sets the tone with its experimental and cold aesthetic. Imagine a deep, dark soundscape playing tricks on your speakers, pulling you into a space where the lyrics tackle the emotional rollercoaster of personal relationships. It's like getting kicked into a corner, but sonically—it’s raw, introspective, and totally captivating.

Then comes The General, stepping in with wavy rhythms, cool drum patterns, and vocal effects that are just, well, cool. This track is a groove you can lose yourself in, balancing experimental vibes with an infectious beat. It’s an anthem for the perpetual outsiders, those who have to be adaptable in a society that demands so much. The production is crisp and invites you to dance while contemplating the resilience needed to thrive.

Wrapping up the EP is Blue Face, which feels like floating in a spacey Steve Lacy dream. This track introduces a fictional character who navigates the complexities of success and self-identity. The moody, atmospheric soundscape perfectly complements the haunting lyrics. Even with all the adoration, the character feels like an outsider, masking their struggles with vices. It’s deep, dark, and beautifully ties the EP together.

Refuge is a playful, yet profound journey into identity and belonging. Xen Wonder, transitioning from Nigeria to Brooklyn, infuses the EP with rich cultural nuances, making it authentic and relatable. The experimental production and thought-provoking lyrics promise an exciting future for Xen Wonder’s music. Refuge isn’t just an EP; it’s an invitation to explore, reflect, and groove along the way.

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