The Pit London

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How is the unexpected usually being received?

The very first moment of surprise, the sentiment of the unknown could potentially be the highest thrill of the overall experience.

seeyousoon’s second single, ‘ICFWT’, slightly brushes upon on that concept: the cathartic soundscape built could comfortably sit in Moby’s calming repertoire, while at the same time the grounded, straightforward drums create a needed balance to the track's ponderous direction, allowing the vocalists to launch themselves in unprotected waters.

“Who could blame me for the choices I have to make for tomorrow?”, one of them sings, eager to understand, with a soothing voice. It is a defiant statement camouflaged as a delicate question, carried out by a spirit of freedom and liberty. 

It could have been easier to release a track like the infectious, youthful ‘Steamy’, the first single from the group. Yet opting for a more ethereal and ambient track demonstrates at their young age an act of courage to explore their artistic strings.

There is certainly plenty of scope for improvement for the hybrid collective, and planting the seeds of curiosity can only benefit them in the long run. And maybe something unexpected can be grown. 

Listen to the new track here.